

Support Group-Götene

Najwa Abdulkareem

For questions or more information, contact Najwa: 

Tel: +46 70-890 78 70

Activities happening


  • After School Club: Every Tuesday 17:00-19:00
    Those who are interested in integration and learning Swedish come to the After School Club in the library. Swedish volunteers will help new residents learn Swedish through two parts. The first part, spending time talking and discussing different topics. The second part is homework help for high school and SFI students.
  • Open House: Every Wednesday 13:00-17:00
    Anyone who is free can come to have coffee, talk and have fun together. Children are allowed to come along. The address is Församlingahemmet, Skolgatan 1.
  • Swimming course:
    To increase swimming skills and safety in connection with bathing. Swimming lessons for children and for women.
  • Bicycle Course:
    There are some people who are not able to ride a bike and through this course, participants get the chance to ride and exercise. It’s nice to have fun.

Think you can help? just send us and we find somthing fits you:)

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