Bakom disken igen

Hicham höll fast vid sin affärsidé under hela flykten från krigets Syrien, men i mötet med den…

Can Culture be a Sanctuary and Refuge?

Welcoming people is a series of gestures that can take so many shapes and forms, Culture is one of…

Sofie creates meaningful everyday life for asylum seekers and new arrivals

It is almost a year since Sofie graduated from the International Program for Politics and Economics…

Dreaming of a world where no woman is subjected to violence

The clock had passed midnight on that September night 2015. After a long flight from Palestine,…

From Vänersborg out to the world

How to solve the integration issue is one of the biggest issues of our time and affects both social…

Think tank will provide new perspectives in the work to develop a regional development strategy by 2030

A Think tank has been formed to support the work on the new regional development strategy Västra…

The driving forces of asylum seekers are utilized

Representatives from ten EU countries visited Restad Gård in Vänersborg on Thursday to learn about…

New center to promote integration

The new pilot project - Intercultural Center in Vänersborg is inaugurated. In Vänersborg, there is…