What we do

The Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and SGN

Agenda 2030, our global agenda for sustainable development, was adopted by all UN member states in 2015. It gives us a common plan to achieve peace and prosperity for people and the planet today and in the future. At its core are the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which is an urgent call to all countries to take action – in a global partnership. Support Group Network is a tool for advocacy,  increased diversity, social and labor market inclusion and sustainability. SGN contributes to the following goals in Agenda 2030:


Five Focus Areas

Advocacy & Social Inclusion

Social inclusion aims to empower and marginalized people to take advantage of global opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal ….

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Labour market inclusion

Equal rights and opportunities in working life means that all people have the right to equal support, offers, services and programs based on their conditions and needs. SGN works for an equal society and increased diversity….

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Education & Lifelong learning

Good education for all is to ensure an inclusive and equal education of good quality and to promote lifelong learning for all. SGN helps people to explore and learn, and encourages them to improve their own quality of life and ….

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Women Empowerment

Gender equality is a basic human right, and it is also fundamental to having a peaceful world. Girls and women continue to face significant challenges all around the world…..

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Youth Empowerment

Youth empowerment approaches include strategies which give young people opportunities for meaningful involvement and participation in their education or support

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