Söker ett livsviktigt arbete

Hur livet ska fortsätta för ungdomar som omfattas av gymnasielagen avgörs av om de på mycket kort tid lyckas få ett…

0 Comments12 Minutes

Bakom disken igen

Hicham höll fast vid sin affärsidé under hela flykten från krigets Syrien, men i mötet med den svenska byråkratin var…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Can Culture be a Sanctuary and Refuge?

Welcoming people is a series of gestures that can take so many shapes and forms, Culture is one of them.

0 Comments7 Minutes

Sofie creates meaningful everyday life for asylum seekers and new arrivals

It is almost a year since Sofie graduated from the International Program for Politics and Economics (IPPE) at…

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Dreaming of a world where no woman is subjected to violence

The clock had passed midnight on that September night 2015. After a long flight from Palestine, Inam Alghoul set his…

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From Vänersborg out to the world

How to solve the integration issue is one of the biggest issues of our time and affects both social and economic…

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Think tank will provide new perspectives in the work to develop a regional development strategy by 2030

A Think tank has been formed to support the work on the new regional development strategy Västra Götaland 2030. It…

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The driving forces of asylum seekers are utilized

Representatives from ten EU countries visited Restad Gård in Vänersborg on Thursday to learn about a new model for…

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New center to promote integration

The new pilot project - Intercultural Center in Vänersborg is inaugurated. In Vänersborg, there is now the center that…

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